Algebra 2
Trigonometry Triangle.png
Welcome to Algebra 2!

Course Description:

A complete outline of the course, along with the lessons and the majority of the homework assignments can be found at:

In fact, if a student forgets their workbook, they can find their homework assignments at that website, download and print them out. The website also contains videos of each lesson so students should use this as a resource when absent from class or confused on their homework assignment.

Important Grading Information:

Students will have tests, quizzes, and homework grades.  Tests count as 40% of their grade so it is critical to be prepared.  However, I accept corrections for unit tests to earn points back.  A test corrections policy will be shared with students when their first exam is returned.

Students will also get Problem of the Week assignments starting week number two.  These will be review questions that will count as 25% of their grade.  I am willing to help with these, so students should try them early in the week and get help when needed.  As a parent, you should expect these to be easy 100s!

Quizzes count as 20% of their grade and homework (as an effort grade) counts as 15%.  However, accuracy on homework will predict success on tests and quizzes.  A student that is able to do their homework on their own can feel confident they will be successful on tests and quizzes.

Calculator information

Part of the course involves learning to use a graphing calculator.  I have a class set they will use during the day, but they should be using one on their homework as well.  It is important that they sign out a calculator to use at home.  A letter will be sent home at open house or the first day of school with more details concerning the use of the calculators.  I DO NOT BELIEVE THEY NEED TO PURCHASE THEIR OWN AT THIS TIME.